Inan interview with a Vietnam News Agency reporter on May 14, Mass Boup,an expert on politics and development for Africa, Caribbean, theAsia-Pacific and the European Union described this act as part ofChina’s politically-driven scheme against its neighbours, adding that itis unacceptable.
He called on regionalcountries to stand united against China’s territory encroachment which,he said, has run counter to international law and posed danger to theworld as well.
Boup also hailed ASEAN as animportant pillar in settling the current dispute, especially thestatement on the East Sea issued at its recent summit in Myanmar.
China needs to sit down with ASEAN member states to reach a peaceful solution, he noted.
The same day, Italy’s leading geopolitical magazine Limes ran anarticle about the ongoing tension in the East Sea, voicing concern thatBeijing is intensifying its territorial claim and adopting a diplomaticpolicy of intimidation.
China is setting a dangerous precedent, author Giorgio Cuscio commented.
As China is seeking new sources of energy to fuel its economicexpansion, he implied that the East Sea has become a target as it isthought to have a reserve of 23-30 billion cb.m of oil.
The strategic sea is also on an important international navigation, he added.
On May 2, China stationed the rig at 15 degrees 29 minutes 58 secondsnorth latitude and 111 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds east longitude.The location is 80 nautical miles inside Vietnam’s exclusive economiczone.
China has deployed some 90 vessels ofvarious kinds to the area, including military, coast guard, marinesurveillance, marine patrol and fishing ships.
Theprovocative acts by China, including the ramming and firing of watercannons into Vietnamese coast guard ships during their law enforcementmissions in the country’s waters, have left many Vietnamese shipsdamaged and fisheries surveillance officers injured.-VNA