Cambodia, Thailand to strengthen border security

Cambodian and Thai defence officials will meet in Thailand on May 16-17 to discuss measures to intensify peace, stability and cooperation along the shared border during the 9th Cambodia-Thailand General Border Committee (GBC) meeting.
Cambodian and Thai defence officials will meet in Thailand on May 16-17 to discuss measures to intensify peace, stability and cooperation along the shared border during the 9th Cambodia-Thailand General Border Committee (GBC) meeting.

Neang Phat, the Secretary of state of Cambodian Defence Ministry, told reporters in Phnom Penh on May 1 before he left for Bangkok to attend a preparatory meeting with Thai defence officials that the meeting will be co-chaired by the two countries' defense ministers.

The 9th GBC meeting will focus discussions on bilateral cooperation to strengthen security along the border through jointly fighting cross-border crimes, drug smuggling and other illegal activities, with an effort to build a border of peace, stability, cooperation and development, he said.

Participants will debate on measures to avoid military confrontations that may affect the development of the two countries and people’s livelihoods, he said, adding that they will also discuss ways to clear landmines in the area around the Preah Vihear Temple.

Cambodia and Thailand have had sporadic border conflicts over territorial dispute near the Preah Vihear Temple since the UNESCO listed the temple as a World Heritage Site in July 2008. It has led to many clashes between the two armies, claiming tens of lives.

In April 2011, Cambodia asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to clarify its decision issued in 1962, which stated that Preah Vihear Temple belongs to Cambodia but did not determine the ownership of the surrounding area.

Last month, the two countries delivered their week-long oral statements on the dispute to the ICJ in the Netherlands. The court is expected to issue a final decision on who owns the disputed land around the temple later this year and both sides have committed to comply with the ICJ’s decision.-VNA

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