Cambodian interior ministry sues opposition CNRP

Cambodia’s Ministry of the Interior on October 6 filed a complaint to the Supreme Court, requesting the dissolution of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP).
Cambodian interior ministry sues opposition CNRP ảnh 1Cambodian police arrest Kem Sokha (L) (Source: AFP/VNA)

Phnom Penh (VNA) – Cambodia’s Ministry of the Interior on October 6 filed a complaint to the Supreme Court, requesting the dissolution of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP).

Fresh News, an online newspaper with the largest readership in Cambodia, quoted a high-ranking official the Ministry of the Interior as saying that a group of lawyers on October 6 submitted a complaint to the Supreme Court to ask for the dissolution of the CNRP, after the complaints of the Cambodian Youth Party and the Funcinpec Party.

On October 4, the Cambodian Youth Party and the Funcinpec Party filed complaints to the Ministry of the Interior, asking for the dissolution of the CNRP after its leader Kem Sokha was charged with treason. The same day, the ministry’s spokesperson Khieu Sopheak confirmed that it had received the complaints of the two parties.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on October 2 pledged to take a hard line with treason, saying functional agencies will continue investigating and arresting individuals behind Kem Sokha’s acts against the nation.

Cambodian authorities arrested CNRP President Kem Sokha on September 3 for charges of treason.-VNA 


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