Vinh Long (VNA) – A delegation from the CambodianRoyal Army’s Guard High Command, on January 17, paid a visit to officials in theMekong Delta province of Vinh Long on the occasion of the Lunar New Year (Tet).
At a meeting with Secretary of the provincial PartyCommittee of Tran Van Ron, head of the delegation General Dieng Sa Run, vicecommander of the high command, expressed his deep gratitude for the sacrifice thatthe the Vietnamese Party, Government and volunteer soldiers had made to helpCambodian people escape the Pol Pot genocidal regime.
The official, who is also a member of the Cambodian People'sParty (CPP) Central Committee, said visits of Cambodian officials to Vietnameselocalities for lunar New Year greetings are aimed at enhancing the two nations’valuable traditional solidarity, which is a tradition to be sustained by their futuregenerations.
General Dieng Sa Run took the occasion to wish theprovincial authorities and residents a new year of happiness, hoping thesolidarity between the two countries and armies in general and between VinhLong and the Guard High Command in particular to last forever.
Welcoming the delegation, Ron stressed Vietnam and Cambodiashare a traditional friendship and solidarity, adding that Vinh Long hasestablished twin relations with Cambodia’s Kampong Speu province.
He informed his guests that this year, youths from the twoprovinces will hold a gathering with activities designed to educate them on thebilateral ties.
Ron said he expects the cooperation and friendship betweenhis province and the Guard High Command to be strengthened for the developmentof both nations.-VNA