This move ispart of the Government’s ongoing efforts to implement the ban on thesale of alcoholic beverages to minors, as stipulated by the GovernmentDecree 94/2012/ND-CP.
The campaign will be piloted in 100 alcohol shops in Hanoi in July and expanded to 300 more in early 2016.
It will help limit minors’ access to and the consumption of alcoholicbeverages, and reduce the prevalence of drunk driving, which isresponsible for the majority of road accidents and traffic fatalities.
The campaign was launched by the VietnamAssociation of Responsible Drinking and the National Traffic SafetyCommittee (NTSC).
In the first half of 2015,Vietnam recorded 11,179 traffic accidents, resulting in 4,478 deaths.This marks a decline in accidents of 1,648 cases, or 12.85 percent, with211 fewer fatalities and 2,114 fewer injuries compared to last year,according to the NTSC.
NTSC Vice Chairman KhuatViet Hung told Vietnam News Agency’s e-newspaper earlierthis month that 2.4 percent of drivers stopped by the police in thefirst six months of 2015 were found to be driving under the influence ofalcohol, a drastic increase from 0.49 percent in 2014.
From December 2014 to February 2015, the NTSC ran a campaign ontraffic safety. During this period, only 6.8 percent of total trafficviolations were linked to drunk, he added.-VNA