The commission gave a reprimand to the Party civil affairs boardsat the People’s Committee of Da Nang city in the 2016-2021 and 2021-2026tenures for their violations when leading the city’s COVID-19 prevention andfight.
The boards have breached working regulations, showed a lack of responsibilityand relaxed leadership, enabling the People’s Committee of Da Nang city andsome organisations and individuals to violate the Party’s regulations and theState’s law in purchasing, managing and using medical supplies and equipment,and resulting in the case at the municipal Centre for Disease Control (CDC).
A number of Da Nang officials were also reprimanded, including LeTrung Chinh, Vice Secretary of the municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Partycivil affairs boards at the People’s Committee of Da Nang and Chairman of the People’sCommittee of Da Nang; Huynh Duc Tho, former Vice Secretary of the municipalParty Committee, former Secretary of the Party civil affairs boards at thePeople’s Committee of Da Nang and former Chairman of the People’s Committee ofDa Nang; Ho Ky Minh, member of the Standing Board of the municipal PartyCommittee, Vice Secretary of the Party civil affairs boards at the People’sCommittee of Da Nang and Standing Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of DaNang; Tran Van Mien, former member of the municipal Party Committee, formermember of the Party civil affairs boards at the People’s Committee of Da Nangand former Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Da Nang; and Nguyen VanPhung, member of the municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the PartyCommittee and Director of the municipal Department of Finance. Meanwhile, ViceChairwoman of the municipal People’s Committee and former Director of the municipalHealth Department Ngo Thi Kim Yen was given a warning, and Director of themunicipal CDC Ton That Thanh was expelled from the Party.
Regarding the violations at the Standing Board of the PartyCommittee at the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASC), the InspectionCommission decided to expel from the Party Phung Ngoc Tan, former Secretary of theParty cell and former acting director of VASC’s organization and personneldepartment.
A warning was given to Nguyen Quang Thuan, Vice Chairman of theCentral Theoretical Council, former Secretary of the Party Committee and formerPresident of the VASC. Some other former officials at the VASC werereprimanded.
The Inspection Commission also issued a reprimand to Nguyen HuuDo, member of the Party civil affairs board at the Ministry of Education andTraining (MoET), and Deputy Minister of Education and Training, along with warningsto a number of officials and former officials at the ministry, for theirviolations during the 2016-2021 tenure.
The commission asked the Politburo to consider disciplinarymeasures against the Party civil affairs board in the 2016-2021 tenure at the MoET,and Phung Xuan Nha, deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission forPopularisation and Education, former member of the Party Central Committee,former secretary of the Party civil affairs board in the 2016-2021 tenure atthe MoET and former Minister of Education and Training.
The commission asked the Party Central Committee to punishseveral officials of Hoa Binh province for their violations./.