Da Nang hosts international youth forum

The final round of the youth forum on international issues took place in central coastal Da Nang city on Nov. 27, in response to Vietnam Youth Year 2011 and the International Youth Forum.
The final round of the youth forum on international issues took place in central coastal Da Nang city on Nov. 27, in response to Vietnam Youth Year 2011 and the International Youth Forum.

The forum offered an opportunity for students, young people and Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union members in the city to share their experience in global issues, including the population boom, climate change, national identity, history and cultural heritage, the culture of international integration and friendship and cooperation between Da Nang and other countries.

Participants also enjoyed a cultural exchange programme with the Consuls General of Russia and Laos and foreign students in the city.

The final round of the forum gave out awards to the outstanding presentations, with first prize to the Convention on the Political Rights of Women, second to the theme Organ Trafficking – a Global Catastrophe, and third prize to Population Boom./.

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