The get-together took place on theoccasion of the Party and State conferring the title of Hero of thePeople’s Armed Forces to the two military missions of the ProvisionalRevolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam and theDemocratic Republic of Vietnam, which were stationed at “Davis Camp”after the Paris Accord was signed.
Colonel NguyenVan Kha, Head of the Liaison Committee of the “Davis Camp” JointMilitary Group, said that Davis Camp used to be a unit of the US airforce located southwest of the Tan Son Nhat Airport . It wasnamed by the US to commemorate the first soldier who died in battle inSouth Vietnam , James Thomas Davis.
He saidthat the use of the military camp as the headquarters for the twoVietnamese military missions showed the opponent’s intention to isolatethe Vietnamese soldiers and prevent Saigon people from contactingthem.
However, during the 823-day-and-nightmilitary-diplomatic struggle amid the enemy’s den, the Vietnamesesoldiers brought into full play their patriotic spirit, courage,ingenuity and activeness, helping bring about a complete victory ofnational reunification, he stressed.
At theget-together, the war veteran emphasised the need to establish a “DavisCamp” museum which aims to educate young people on the glorioustraditions of the previous generations.
On the occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the insignia to 34 war veterans who served at “Davis Camp”.-VNA