The festival, which falls on the 15th day of the seventhmonth in the lunar calendar, is a Buddhist tradition as well as a culturalactivity aimed at honouring and showing gratitude to parents, and those whodied for the peace of life.
Quang said that this practice has become a good culturaltradition of the Vietnamese people, demonstrating the harmonious connectionbetween religion and life.
He expressed his belief that the VBS will continue leadingand directing monks and nuns and Buddhist followers to actively participate inpatriotic emulation movements, charity and social welfare activities, for the peaceof each family, and contributing to the building of the society and thecountry.
Most Venerable Thich Tri Quang, Supreme Patriarch of the VBSPatronage Council, said that thanks to the sound leadership and support of Partyand State leaders and the solidarity of monks, nuns and Buddhists, VietnameseBuddhism has gained many great achievements, making contributions to thecountry./.