At the meeting in Jakarta, the two sides sharedthe view that the traditional friendship between Vietnam and Indonesia wasfounded by late Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Sukarno and nurtured by generationsof the countries’ leaders and people. Bilateral ties are strongly developing inmultiple spheres and became a strategic partnership that benefits both nations.
Deputy Speaker Fahri Hamzah affirmed that hiscountry always treasures cooperation with Vietnam. He is looking forward toleading a parliamentary delegation of Indonesia to the 26th Annual Meeting ofthe Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF 26), slated for January, 2018 inVietnam.
He noted that Indonesia has taken part in theAPPF since its establishment in 1993 and hosted the 14th meeting of the forumin Jakarta in 2006. Many of its initiatives have been recognised, including theone on organising female parliamentarians’ meetings.
For his part, Tuan said the Indonesiandelegation’s participation in the APPF 26 will help step up multifacetedcooperation between the two parliaments and the two countries, thuscontributing to the APPF’s role in resolving regional and global issues and topeace and development in the world.
The outgoing ambassador appreciated the supportthat the Indonesian parliament and the DPR Deputy Speaker have given to himduring his tenure.
He stressed that in the new position of DeputySecretary-General of ASEAN, he will continue working to strengthen multifacetedcooperation between the two ASEAN members and promote a united,inter-connected, resilient and prosperous ASEAN for the sake of each country’speople, as well as peace, stability, cooperation and development.-VNA