“The local authorities had not cracked down on parishioners of the DongChiem Parish,” My Duc District People’s Committee Deputy ChairmanNguyen Van Hau said during his talks with the Vietnam News Agency,adding the information was distorted.
Hau provided factual developments of the case which began with PriestNguyen Van Huu, the Dong Chiem Parish’s religious practice board and anumber of parishioners illegally erecting the cross on the top of CheMountain in Dong Chiem hamlet, An Phu commune in My Duc district onMarch 3 and 4, 2009.
“The construction violates the Land Law,” the district official said,reasoning that Che Mountain does not lie in the land compound of DongChiem Church as it is managed by the An Phu Communal People’s Committee.
“Additionally, the act of construction of the cross without permit fromauthorised agencies constitutes it as a breach of the Ordinance onBelief and Religion,” Hau noted.
Since the case took place, the My Duc district authorities havepromptly undertaken necessary procedures in line with laws, the localofficial emphasised.
He said the local authorities had tried to seek ways to solve the casethrough a series of talks with Priest Nguyen Van Huu and parishionersin the period between March and December 2009 but failed to receivecooperation from any of them.
On November 27, 2009, the My Duc District People’s Committee issued anannouncement requesting that Huu and the Dong Chiem Parish’s religiouspractice board mobilise parishioners to self-dismantle the crossillegally constructed on the top of Che Mountain before December 4.However, they ignored the request intentionally, the official said.
On January 6, 2010, the Dong Chiem hamlet authorities carried out thedismantling of the illegally-installed cross although the work washampered by several extremists and parishioners due to their poorawareness of laws.
Hau said the committee has issued warnings against five members of theDong Chiem Parish’s religious practice board who directly engaged inbuying materials in service of the illegal construction of the crossand mobilising parishioners to take part in the work.
The committee on January 9, 2010, announced its warning against PriestHuu for instructing the board to embroil parishioners in acts inviolation of laws. Huu hindered and showed no willingness to cooperatewith the local administration to stabilise the situation. He also drewparishioners from other parishes to Dong Chiem to conduct illegalreligious activities, according to Hau.
A remote, mountainous locality of My Duc district, An Phu has apopulation of over 6,800, mainly the Kinh and Muong people, who relymainly on farming for their livelihood.
Recently, the living conditions of An Phu residents have been improvedremarkably thanks to the State investment, which has been pumped intothe development of livestock breeding and the growing of hybrid ricevarieties./.