Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors

Visitors to Fansipan in the misty town of Sapa in the northern province of Lao Cai this season have a chance to witness a valley of stunning flowers.
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 1When April sets in, water rail flowers paint this area red (Photo: VNA)
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 2Purple flower field in the Fansipan cable car station area catches people’s attention (Photo: VNA)
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 3Mount Fansipan is often dubbed ‘the Roof of Indochina’ as it is the highest peak in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia at a height of 3,143m (Photo: VNA)
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 4The flower valley draws thousands of visitors far and wide (Photo: VNA)
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 5Camellia and water rail flowers create the most special flower valley in northern Vietnam (Photo: VNA)
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 6 (Photo: VNA)
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 7Ancient rose species are another attraction of Sapa (Photo: VNA)
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 8Ancient rose plants along with imported ones bloom beautifully, brighten up Fancipan area (Photo: VNA)
Fansipan flower valley enchants visitors ảnh 9(Photo: VNA)

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