Disabled people make up 6.34 percent of Vietnam's population.
The Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs has askedministries, organisations and individuals to make contributions to thedraft decree, which is used to fine tune the law.
Nguyen Xuan Lap, deputy director of the ministry's General Department ofSocial Protection, said those drafting the decree would clarify supportpolicies for the disabled and enterprises that employ them.
According to the ministry, about 2.5 percent of the disabled hasaccess to job training classes, but only 16,000 have permanent jobs.
Dang Van Thanh, vice-chairman of the Vietnam Association of Businessand Enterprises for Persons with Disabilities, said the decree shouldrefer to particular support available during training courses.
He said it should also raise the monthly support for disabled apprentices, which has remained at 540,000 VND since 2005.
Thanh said it is also necessary to create clear procedures to enableenterprises that employ handicapped people or are owned by handicappedpeople to access preferential loans and learn how to reduce tax or makethemselves tax exempt.
According to Governmentdecree ND81/CP passed in 1995, the number of disabled employees inlarger enterprise should amount to 2-3 percent of total employees. Ifnot, they are compelled to pay money to fund to create jobs for thedisabled run by the local Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairsdepartments. However, at present, the fund is accessible in only about10 cities and provinces.
Thanh said measures are needed to speed up the establishment and operation of the fund throughout the whole country.
"The most important thing now is enforcement of the new law," saidNguyen Thao Van, human resources manager of the Hanoi-based Nghi LucSong Training Centre. She herself is also disabled.
Van said that although the State regulates support for the disabledduring their apprenticeships, most apprentices receive no support, sothey and their families have to manage by themselves.
She also recommended opening more training classes for the disabled."The graduation certificates, granted at secondary school, do help themaccess better jobs besides the occupation certificate they earn at thecentre," Van said.
Since 2008, the centre hastrained about 700 disabled people about computing and English, 30percent of them found jobs with monthly payment of 3-4 million VND(150-200 USD).
She said this proves theeffectiveness of the centre's training model as well as the disabled'sability to meet higher work requirements and not just be hired to domanual work, such as handicrafts.
The draft decreeconsists of four chapters covering regulations on the types ofdisabilities, levels of disabilities - and support in education, workand social welfare.
The draft proposes increasingmonthly support for handicapped children and elders unable to look afterthemselves from 180,000 VND to 450,000 VND (10-23 USD). Those whotake care of them will be given 270,000 VND (13 USD).
The Law on People with Disabilities was approved in June and will takeeffect next year. It replaces another law framed in 1998./.