Reporter Carneiro Gustavo from the Communist Party of Spain’s Avantenewspaper said that his first impression when coming to Vietnam isthe country’s gigantic socio-economic development achievements.
He stressed that under the leadership of the CPV, the Vietnamesepeople have overcome many difficulties and affirmed its role and voicein the international arena. “Therefore, we will try to give informationabout Vietnam , the CPV and its 11 th congress as much as possible,”he added.
Granting an interview to the Quan doi Nhandan (People’s Army) daily, Chief Representative of Cuban news agencyPrensa Latina in Vietnam and Southeast Asia Charly Morales Valido saidthat Vietnam has been successful in economic reforms while stillmaintaining the objectives, principles and viewpoints of socialism.
He said the thing he admires most is the building of asocialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam and the country’sachievements over the past time are valuable experiences for theimplementation of reforms in Cuba .
Whileapplauding Vietnam ’s achievements, especially in agriculture,A.Chiconcela from Mozambique ’s Bullentin Information newspaper saidthat besides reporting the CPV’s 11 th National Congress, he willtogether with his colleagues introduce more about the country and peopleof Vietnam , thus helping strengthen the understanding andcooperation between the two countries.
ReporterKazuhisa Miyake from Japanese news agency Kyodo, who has covered fourconsecutive congresses of the CPV, stressed that the 11 th congress isvery important for the CPV as well as for Vietnam as it will discussand decide development orientations for the nation in the next stage.
“ Vietnam is renovating and we are sure that Vietnam will continue its renewal process,” he shared.-Enditem