Da Nang (VNA) – The first GlobalYoung Vietnamese Intellectual Forum opened in Da Nang city on November 28,looking to capitalise on the strength of the young intelligentsia in theIndustry 4.0 era.
The event, held by the Ho Chi Minh CommunistYouth Union Central Committee, attracts nearly 200 young Vietnameseintellectuals from 21 countries.
Addressing the forum, Permanent Deputy PrimeMinister Truong Hoa Binh said that after more than three decades of reforms,Vietnam has obtained enormous achievements in national construction and defence,which has been greatly contributed to by Vietnamese intellectuals, includingthe young, both at home and abroad.
The Party, State and people of Vietnam alwaystreasure their significant contributions, he added.
He noted the Party Central Committee and theGovernment have made clear the viewpoint that the country has to optimize itsgolden population structure to make full use of the attainments in Industry4.0.
The forum is a platform for young intellectualsto discuss their visions, missions, roles and capability of contributing tonational development, thereby helping with Vietnam’s economic integration intothe region and the world, Binh said.
He expressed his hope that participants willshare both successes and failures of other countries, especially those withdeveloped science, technology and innovation, and propose mechanism and policysolutions so as to help the country succeed in Industry 4.0.
The Party and the Government respect youngintellectuals’ opinions and will consider institutionalising them, heemphasised.
The Deputy PM stressed that attracting talents,especially young intellectuals from around the world, is the Party and State’sconsistent policy to mobilise their contributions to national development anddefence.
He also called for their suggestions about howto attract talents so as to bring into better play their role in thedevelopment of the country.
For his part, First Secretary of the Ho Chi MinhCommunist Youth Union Central Committee Le Quoc Phong voiced his hope that theforum will become an annual event for young Vietnamese intellectuals to suggestideas to the Government to realise development targets.
It will also be a channel through which domesticagencies consult the intelligentsia on ways to deal with difficulties andchallenges facing the nation, he added.
At the two-day forum, participants are scheduledto discuss the promotion of STEM (science, technology, engineering andmathematics) to build high-quality human resources in Industry 4.0, theapplication of Industry 4.0 technologies in environmental protection andclimate change response, and the enhancement of innovation in production andbusiness activities.-VNA