French composers bringing music to soothe AO victims’ pain

A French couple have developed their own form of music therapy, inspired by music combined with the Montessori and Steiner educational methods. They have been particularly successful in sharing this musical inspiration with Agent Orange victims and people with disabilities in Vietnam and many other parts of the world.

With the original purpose of teaching music and playing the guitar, Marc Béhin and Véronique Béhin-Carlier founded the Jazz Bond Association in 1992 to use music to soothe unhappy souls and break down the age barrier.

The association has cooperated with numerous non-government organisations over many years to perform and hold music classes for people with disabilities, bringing music therapy to rehabilitation centres in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Marc and Véronique have toured Vietnam many times, bringing music to the children of Agent Orange/dioxin victims.

In 2018, the group went to Yen Bai province to hold sessions and arouse the ability of children with disabilities to perceive music, and also provided guidance to doctors, nurses, and even patients’ relatives on music therapy methods.

As a music therapist, Véronique believes that music therapy is important for people with disabilities.

For the couple, their work is just a “drop in the ocean”. They want to see the smiles of patients and the emotional moments of their loved ones when they see their child’s progress.

Many plans have had to be shelved because of COVID-19, but the members of Jazz Bond hope that the pandemic will end soon so they can “bring music everywhere and to everyone”, including in Vietnam./.