Front leader pins hope on Ninh Binh’s higher growth

President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan expressed his belief that the Party Committee and people of Ninh Binh province will drive the locality into a new development period.
 Front leader pins hope on Ninh Binh’s higher growth ảnh 1President of Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan speaks at Ninh Binh's 21st Party Congress (Source: VNA)

President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan expressed his belief that the Party Committee and people of Ninh Binh province will drive the locality into a new development period with higher and more sustainable economic growth, improved living standards and a strengthened political system.

Nhan made the remarks before 339 delegates representing over 64,000 local Party members at the northern province’s 21st Party Congress for the 2015-2020 tenure on September 23.

He hailed Ninh Binh as one of the localities nationwide that completed the Party Congress at the local and above-local levels the earliest as well as lauded major provincial achievements over the past five years.

The front’s leader attributed the marked attainments to the tireless efforts of local Party Committees and people as well as the great unity.

He suggested the province study new in-depth growth models through improving personnel quality, the application of scientific and technological advancements and the renovation of policies and management mechanisms.

Ninh Binh was asked to focus on improving agricultural productivity by overhauling production models such as the establishment of new-style cooperatives in line with the 2012 Cooperative Law, helping raise local farmers’ sustainable income.

The congress identified major breakthroughs, including synchronous infrastructure development, tourism and service quality improvement, management mechanisms issuance, administrative reform, investment attraction and personnel training.

From 2015-2020, Ninh Binh targets an annual GDP growth rate of at least 8 percent, a State budget collection of 6 trillion VND (264 million USD) and an export turnover of 1.5 billion USD per year.

The province is expected to annually pocket 3 trillion VND (132 million USD) from the tourism sector and recognise 75 communes and two districts as new-style rural areas.

The locality is striving to generate an economic growth rate higher than the Red River Delta region average with the economic structure tilting towards industry and services, especially tourism.

Apart from sustainable poverty reduction, the province will continue to care for people’s material and spiritual life while maintaining political security, social order and national defence at the local level, the two-day congress heard.-VNA


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