Fundamental issues of Vietnam's national defence policy

December 22, 2013 marks the 69th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA), an army from the people and for the people. Vietnam News Agency presents an article by the Ministry of National Defence web portal on fundamental issues of the national defence policy.
December 22, 2013 marks the 69th founding anniversary of the VietnamPeople’s Army (VPA), an army from the people and for the people. VietnamNews Agency presents an article by the Ministry of National Defence webportal on fundamental issues of the national defence policy.

Vietnam always regards the maintenance of peaceful and stableenvironment for socio-economic development, industrialisation andmodernisation, building the socialism-oriented market economy as the topnational interest, and the consistent goal of its national defencepolicy. Vietnam has followed a national defence policy of peace, andself-defence expressed in the guideline of not using force orthreatening of using force in international relations; solveddifferences and disputes with other countries by peaceful means.

Vietnam advocates the gradual modernisation of the VPA and enhancementof the defence potential only to maintain its military power sufficientfor self-defence capability. Vietnam opposes arms race. As a nationhaving experienced wars for national independence and freedom, Vietnamthoroughly respects other countries’ independence, sovereignty, unity,territorial integrity and national interests on the basis of fundamentalprinciples of the United Nations Charter and international laws. At thesame time, Vietnam demands that its independence, sovereignty, unity,territorial integrity and national interests must be respected by othercountries. Vietnam advocates against the military use of force first ininternational relations, but is ready to resolutely fight against allaggressive acts.

Vietnam’s consistent policy is tosolve both historical and newly emerging disputes over territorialsovereignty in land and at sea through peaceful means on the basis ofinternational laws. As for disputed sovereignty rights at sea, thoughthere is sufficient historical evidence and legal foundation to proveVietnam’s undeniable sovereignty over water areas and islands in theEast Sea, including the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and the Truong Sa (Spratly)archipelagos, it is always ready to negotiate with all parties concernedto find peaceful solutions to those disputes in conformity withregulations of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.While continuously seeking for a long-term solution to the issue,Vietnam advocates that all parties must restrain themselves, strictlyabide by DOC, and strive for building COC in order to reach a long-termand fair solution to this complicated issue, turning the East Sea into asea of peace, friendship, and development.

Vietnambuilds its national defence power on the basis of the overall strengthof the whole nation, of the great solidarity of the masses, of the wholepolitical system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), combiningthe strength of the nation with the strength of the time, the strengthof military forces and the all-people defence posture with the strengthof people’s security forces and posture. Vietnam has established apolicy to concurrently develop both its socio-economic and defencecapabilities and closely coordinate defence-security and diplomaticactivities to support the cause of industrialisation and modernisation,and rapid and sustainable economic development. To protect Vietnam’sindependence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and othernational interests as the region and world situation faces many changes,Vietnam builds its all-people national defence upon the whole nation’stradition of patriotism and fighting against foreign aggression;strengthening armed forces, inheriting and upholding the values of theVietnamese military sciences over the time, and developing theVietnamese military arts to meet the demands of modern wars.

Proactively preventing and repulsing the dangers of wars are amongessential tasks of Vietnam’s national defence in peacetime in order torealise the optimal national defence strategy of protecting itssovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and other national interestswithout resorting to war fighting. Vietnam advocates implementing thenational defence strategy through a spectrum of political, economic,diplomatic, socio-cultural and military activities aimed at eradicatingthe causes of armed conflicts and wars. Thoroughly grasping theprinciple of active, comprehensive defence and safeguarding the Homelandfrom apart, Vietnam’s national defence takes combined measures tomaintain internal stability while preventing the risks of outsideintervention.

Vietnam’s national defence is alwaysclosely linked to the CPV and the State’s guideline of independence,self-reliance, peace, cooperation and development in external affairs,and the foreign policy of openness, multilateralisation anddiversification in international relations. Through its diplomaticactivities, Vietnam has consolidated mutual understanding and trust withpeoples and governments of other countries, laying the firm foundationfor expanding cooperation, resolving differences in order to prevent andrepulse the dangers of armed conflicts, contributing to the maintenanceof a peaceful and stable environment in the region and the world. Onimplementing the independent, and self-reliant national defence policy,Vietnam builds national defence power mainly upon its own resources andpeople. Thus, Vietnam consistently advocates neither joining anymilitary alliances nor giving any other countries permission to havemilitary bases or use its soil to carry out military activities againstother countries. At the same time, Vietnam attaches great importance todeveloping defence ties with all other countries on the basis of respectfor each other’s independence, sovereignty and mutual benefit. Vietnamhighly values defence cooperation with neighbouring countries, andtraditional friends while developing defence links with other countriessharing the goal of peace, independence and development. With the spiritof “shelving the past, looking forward to the future”, Vietnam is readyto cooperate with other countries to solve humanitarian issues left byhistory; and at the same time, Vietnam acclaims initiatives andactivities for peace and cooperation of all countries regardless ofpolitical regimes or their history of relations with Vietnam.

Vietnam resolutely condemns and opposes to terrorism in any forms andsimultaneously protests against any acts in the name ofcounter-terrorism to intervene into the internal affairs of othercountries. Apart from taking necessary measures to prevent and respondto terrorism, Vietnam supports the international community’s endeavoursand expansion of cooperation to prevent terrorist actions and support ofterrorism in any forms. Vietnam insists that the counter-terroristmeasures and international cooperation in the fight against terrorismmust be carried out within the framework of the United Nations, and incompliance with the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charterand international laws. Vietnam has signed eight out of 12 conventionson counter-terrorism of the United Nations and is consideringparticipating in the remaining conventions.

Vietnamapproves the settlement of other flashpoints which might break out intoarmed conflicts in the region through dialogue, peaceful negotiations,and without resorting to force or the threat to use force.-VNA

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