Hien, who spokeat the Education Leaders Innovation Forum at the Southeast AsianMinister of Education Organisation (SEAMEO)'s Regional Training Centreon July 9 in Ho Chi Minh City, said that universities in the countrywere trying to train students to be global citizens and prepare themwith skills needed for the 21st century.
Speaking at the forum,Professor Hafid Abbas of the State University of Jakarta said thatschools should apply innovative learning methods that use supportivetechnologies, inquiry- and problem-based approaches, and higher-orderthinking skills.
Community resources beyond school walls should also be included, he said.
Inaddition, students need to be trained to think critically, workcreatively with others, solve problems, make judgments and decisions,and communicate clearly, he added.
Mastery of core subjects suchas English, maths, economics, science, geography, history, governmentand civics is essential to student success, he said.
Thethree-day forum, which wraps up on July 11, is a part of the SEAMEOCollege Project, which aims to strengthen the capacity of educationleaders and practitioners and promote education and social developmentin the Southeast Asia Region for an Integrated ASEAN Community.
Theforum, attended by representatives from 11 Southeast Asian countries,was financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction through the AsianDevelopment Bank under the guidance of the SEAMEO Secretariat as theexecuting agency.
Its four modules include astrategic dialogue with education ministers; a high officialcountry-case study; innovation forum for education leaders; and aninnovation forum for youth leaders.-VNA