The plan aims to bolster socio-economic development, national mineral reserves,defence, security, and natural disaster prevention.
These aims are set out in Decision No. 334/QD-TTg, approving the Geological andMineral Strategy to 2030, with a vision towards 2045.
The main goal of this strategy is to complete the investigation and assessmentof strategic and important minerals on the mainland and in coastal waters andislands, as well as detect and investigate minerals in deep sea and offshoreareas.
The strategy also aims to explore minerals such as coal, uranium,titanium-zircon, rare earth, apatite, copper, nickel, tin, bauxite, glass sand,and other minerals by 2045 while balancing the exploitation and nationalmineral reserve for a number of strategic, important, and large-scale minerals.
The strategy also focuses on the strict management, economical and efficientuse of mineral resources, investing in mining and mineral processingtechnology, forming an advanced and modern mining industry that goes in linewith environmental protection and a circular, green economy, climate changeadaptation and towards carbon neutrality. It is also expected to end fragmentedand out-of-date mineral mining and processing establishments that pollute theenvironment.
The specific objectives of the strategy include completing 85 per cent of thegeological and mineral mapping area at the scale of 1:50,000 of the mainland by2030; complete the investigation and assessment of mineral potential inpromising structures in the North Central and South Central regions.
Another goal of the strategy is to investigate, evaluate and map geologicalhazards, environmental geology of the provinces in the mountainous and coastalareas of the Mekong Delta; survey and mapping of geological heritagenationwide; complete investigation and mapping of environmental geology ofareas containing toxic and radioactive minerals; investigation and assessmentof sand, gravel and construction materials in river basins.
It also includes forming mineral processing industrial parks with advancedtechnology and scale commensurate with the potential of each mineral,synchronised with regional infrastructure development.
The strategy also aims to develop technology for deep processing of minerals,promote cooperation in scientific and technological research, technologytransfer, training and development of human resources in geology and mineralsin order to mainly serve the needs of the economy, and strive towards formingan advanced and modern mining and mineral processing industry associated with acircular economy model, a green economy equivalent to that of advancedcountries in Asia by 2045.
According to the development orientation, in terms of geology, priority shallbe given to implementing and completing the mapping of mineral geology at thescale of 1:50,000 of the mainland and islands, marine mineral geological surveyat the scale of 1:500,000, investigating, discovering and locating areas withmineral potential, especially strategic and important minerals.
The strategy also focuses on investigating and forecasting geological hazardsin mountainous and midland provinces and establishing a comprehensive remotesensing identification technology system for areas with potential risks ofgeological hazards, zoning risks, synthesise and form a geological hazard riskmanagement model to serve disaster prevention and mitigation work.
In terms of minerals, the strategy aims to review and locate national mineralreserve areas, balancing between planned use demand and long-term reserve forsocio-economic development, defence and security assurance, and environmentalprotection. Exploration activities will have to comply with the planning,suitable to the potential of each type of mineral.
The mining industry will have to comply with the planning, use advancedtechnology and equipment, suitable to each potential type of mineral, andmaximise the recovery of useful ingredients while ensuring environmentalprotection. For minerals with large and concentrated reserves, mining projectsmust be conducted while using advanced technology, modern equipment, andsustainable environmental protection.
The strategy emphasises the research and use of advanced technology inexploiting construction materials and ensuring the balance and harmony betweenexport and import, ensuring domestic demand, and supplying raw materials forprocessing projects./.