According to initial investigations, from February 1-15, a52-year-old woman, residing at No.15 Tran Sung Dinh, was suspected of contracting COVID-19, but did not follow prevention regulations and make medicaldeclarations, resulting in three other infections at the same address.
Earlier, the woman visited Hai Duong city's BlindAssociation and had close contact with another woman who then was confirmed asa COVID-19 patient.
She showed symptoms of cough, fever and tiredness fromFebruary 3 and was announced to be suspected of contracting COVID-19 on February 11.She then tested positive for the coronavirus on February 15.
However, after working with the investigation police agency formany times, she did not declared that she had come to Hai Duong city's BlindAssociation and directly contacted with the confirmed COVID-19 patient.
She only admitted that on February 17 when the data on herphone calls was collected.
The woman did not declare enough information related to herepidemiological history, so prompt prevention and control measures could not betaken, thus making three family members infected with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
Her act also made her residential area put under lockdown, thuscausing economic losses for the locality./.