During areception on July 10 for visiting Vice Secretary General of the RoK’s NationalAssembly Kim Soo-heung, Hai said Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City in particularalways want to foster all-around ties with the RoK for the benefit of the twocountries’ people, as well as for peace, stability and development in theregion and the world.
The city hasso far established cooperative ties with seven RoK localities while themunicipal People’s Council has formed friendly partnership with Incheon andBusan cities.
Both sideshave also conducted regular exchanges, facilitated visits and worked closelytogether in culture-arts, tourism, education-training, and health care.
As of May2019, the RoK was the third largest partner of the city with over 1,600projects worth more than 5 billion USD, he said.
Kim, for hispart, said there are over 8,000 RoK firms investing in Vietnam and more than160,000 Koreans living in the country, about half of them are in Ho Chi MinhCity.
He wishedthat the Vietnamese government and the municipal authorities would continuecreating favourable conditions for RoK people and businesses living and workingthere.
The RoKlegislature wants to boost ties with the municipal People’s Council andsupports RoK enterprises to invest in Vietnam, he said.
Host andguest shared experience in parliamentary activities and expressed wish tocontinue reinforcing ties between the two legislatures. -VNA