HCM City seeks stronger ties with French localities

Chairman of the HCM City People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong has called on NA President of France Claude Bartolone to support and promote relations between the city and French localities.
HCM City seeks stronger ties with French localities ảnh 1Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong (R) and President of the National Assembly of France Claude Bartolone (Source: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) – Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong has called on visiting President of the National Assembly of France Claude Bartolone to support and promote relations between the city and French localities.

At a reception for Bartolone on March 21, Phong commended on the active, dynamic ties between HCM City and French localities, which have been reflected through regular exchanges in culture and education, especially among universities.

Economically, France currently has a total of 175 projects valued at 850 million USD in the Vietnamese southern metropolis, he said, adding that bilateral trade hit 750 million USD in 2015.

The municipal official noted his hope that the city will welcome more French investors, particularly in the areas of France’s strengths like technology, urban transport, education, training and human resources development.

HCM City always creates optimal conditions for foreign businesses, including those from France, to invest in the locality, he promised.

Praising France’s role in the success of the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change that took place in Paris last year , Phong said the event’s outcomes demonstrated nations’ strong commitments to climate change adaptation, pledging that his city will take an active part in realising such commitments.

HCM City has paid special heed to climate change response, including issues regarding inundation, environmental pollution, and food hygiene and safety, according to the official.

The city aims to upgrade its urban infrastructure and improve people’s living standards, he added.

Bartolone affirmed that French localities are ready to cooperate with HCM City.

He suggested the two sides work together in development, as French businesses have experience in HCM City’s priority areas.

Climate change is developing in a complicated manner, particularly in this period of urbanisation, he said, calling on France and HCM City to increase their coordination at related forums while working to cope with future challenges, including those raised at COP 21.-VNA


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