President ofVietnam-Hungary Friendship Association in HCM City Le Minh Triet saidVietnam always remembers the valuable support by the HungarianGovernment and people during the country’s struggles for nationalliberation and post-war reconstruction.
On thisoccasion, Triet also expressed his pleasure to see a boost in thecooperation in economics, culture and education between the twocountries.
The two-way trade has grownremarkably, reaching around 150 million USD last year. Hungary has nowrun 11 projects in Vietnam. The country grants 50 scholarships eachyear to Vietnamese students and postgraduates and continues to putVietnam in its ODA priority list.
At theceremony, Hungarian Chargé d’Affraires Horvath Gellert expressed hisdelight at the bilateral relations which have further developedfollowing visits made by the high-ranking delegations.
The two-way trade turnover has increased by 30 percent over the pastyears, but has yet to meet each nation’s potential, he said, adding thatto bolster the trade tie, the Hungarian National Trading House openedits representative office in Hanoi in June to promote the two countries’businesses.-VNA