The website of the Indian Ministry of ForeignAffairs on September 18 quoted Mukherjee as saying so in hisinteraction with the media on his visit to Vietnam from September14-17.
President Mukherjee said the Vietnamese governmentcommitted to taking the relationship to new heights, adding that the twosides concluded seven agreements/memoranda of understanding andreleased a Joint Communique, which will provide the institutionalframework for mutually beneficial exchanges.
He said he isconvinced that his visit will provide fresh impetus and momentum to thetwo countries’ close friendship and strategic partnership, which isbased on civilisational contacts, modern day solidarity and greatpotential for the future.
The foundation of bilateral relations,laid by the exchanges between the Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh,Prime Minister Pt. Nehru and President Dr. Rajendra Prasad, has beenconsolidated by successive generations of leadership on both sides.
Thecountries’ strategic partnership, established in 2007, is marked by ahigh degree of trust. Today, security and defence cooperation betweenthe two countries is robust and growing with India helping Vietnam intraining and capacity building, and provision of Line of Credit of 100million USD for purchase of some critical equipment, Mukherjee noted.
Politicalrelations between India and Vietnam have always been strong and‘cloudless’, he said, the time has come however for them to focus withrenewed energy and fresh determination on strengthening economicengagement, connectivity and people-to-people exchanges, particularlyamongst the youth.
The Indian leader said Vietnam’s economicgrowth and development over the last two decades has been impressive,and there is great scope to expand and diversify their trade exchanges.
Bothsides have set a new target of 15 billion USD worth of trade by 2020.The Vietnamese side has promised that they will provide a favourableenvironment for further investments from India.
The countriesexpect business partnerships and joint ventures to grow in the area ofinfrastructure, agro-processing, textiles, agro-chemicals,manufacturing, hydrocarbons, energy and many others, he added.
Toimprove connectivity, India’s Jet Airways will commence direct flightsto Ho Chi Minh City from Mumbai from November 5, 2014, and VietnamAirlines will fly to India in early 2015. This will open up thepotential for greater flows of people-to-people contacts for businesses,for students and for tourists.
President Mukherjee added thatIndia and Vietnam, as two of the fastest growing economies of Asia,will provide stability and growth to this region and the world.-VNA