The Indian news agency quoted the President as saying that hewill exchange views with the Indian leaders on means and ways to furtherenhance bilateral cooperation in all fields, including coordinationat regional and international forums with a view to upliftingVietnam-India relations to be commensurate with the vast potentials ofthe two countries and expectations of their people.
President Sang noted that the visit takes place in the context that thetime-honoured traditional friendship and strategic partnership betweenVietnam and India are witnessing strong growth in all areas for the sakeof peace, stability, cooperation and development, adding that thestrategic ties between Vietnam and India should be enhanced, taking intoconsideration the changing
global scenario.
Atpresent, Vietnam and India are two economies of dynamic and stronggrowth in Asia and are each other's strategic partners. Therefore, greatimportance should be attached to all cooperation areas, the VietnamesePresident said.
On bilateral trade ties, he noted that thecurrent trade figure of 2.7 billion USD is not commensurate with thepotential, and expressed hope that the bilateral trade and economiccooperation will be further strengthened and expanded with the tradevolume reaching 7 billion USD in 2015 with
both sides taking fresh steps to expand cooperation.
Commenting on the controversy over oil exploration by India in twoVietnamese oil blocks in the East Sea, the President told PTI that it isa fact that all cooperation projects between Vietnam and other partnersincluding ONGC in the field of oil and gas are located on thecontinental shelf, within the exclusive economic zone and under thesovereign rights and jurisdiction of Vietnam, entirely in conformitywith international laws, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law ofthe Sea.
He said Vietnam welcomes foreign companies to work with Vietnamese
partnersin oil and gas projects on the continental shelf and exclusive economiczone of Vietnam and in conformity with Vietnamese laws, affirming thatVietnam is also committed to protecting the legitimate interests offoreign companies which have invested in the country./.