Jakarta (VNA) –Indonesia’s Health Ministry has issued an early warning asking local andforeign tourists to remain alert against dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), whichis on the rise in Bali.
Directorate of CommunicableDisease Prevention and Control Imran Pambudi said on April 15 that the agencyhas delivered warnings in local media to remind people to be careful withdengue fever, which usually increases at the beginning of the year.
The advisory was made afterseveral Australian tourists were diagnosed with dengue fever during a 10-dayholiday in Bali.
The Health Ministry hasissued a circular to all health services regarding dengue fever awareness,Pambudi said.
He went on to say that he could not confirmthe number of dengue fever cases among tourists in Bali but local healthauthorities have been asked to ensure the availability of hospital beds andmedicines for dengue patients.
The official also said the condition was still safeand they received no reports about the shortage or emergency of dengue fever inthe region, citing the results of their monitoring that was carried out beforeApril 10.
Earlier, an Australian femaletourist shared on her Facebook account about her vacation in Bali,mentioning that she contracted dengue fever whilst on the tourist island. Other tourists also reportedexperiencing many symptoms of the disease such as severe pain, uncontrolledvomiting and body temperatures reaching over 39 degrees Celsius./.