Indonesia police crack down on terrorism

Indonesia's counterterrorism Unit Densus 88 recently arrested a suspect alleged to have link with regional and global terrorism network, the local media on November 17 quoted the National Police’s spokesman Argo Yuwono as saying.
Indonesia police crack down on terrorism ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: CNN Indonesia)  
Jakarta (VNA) - Indonesia's counter-terrorism unit Densus 88 recently arrested a suspect alleged to have link with regional and global terrorism network, the local media on November 17 quoted the National Police’s spokesman Argo Yuwono as saying.

The suspect, alias WJ, was arrested on November 13 at a school in Depok city, West Java province.

Initial investigation revealed that WJ is a bomb, explosives and weapon maker who used to join a military training session for Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Mindanao, the south of the Philippines from 1999 – 2002.
The suspect also arrived in Syria in 2012 along with leader of terrorist network Jemaah Islamiah Abu Askari to establish relationship with the Free Syrian Army (FRA).

Earlier on November 16, the unit killed two suspected militants in Deli Serdang regency, North Sumatra province.

Speaking to the media in Medan city, capital of the North Sumatra province, North Sumatra police chief Agus Andrianto said the two suspects are fatally shot and a police officer was injured.

The same day, the police raided several areas and confiscated several explosive materials used to make bombs.

On November 7, Director of the Indonesia Intelligence Institute Ridlwan Habib said about 1,200 gunners from die-hard radical groups remain on the loose, and continue developing their networks in several areas.

Statistics showed that Indonesian police arrested 68 terrorists from extreme group Jamaah Ansharut Daulah in the first five months of this year./.

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