Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim revealedthe proposal during a hearing with the House of Representatives Commission Xoverseeing educational affairs on September 2.
Out of the proposed budget, the ministry would allocate 1.1trillion RP to procure proper information and communications technology (ICT)equipment, such as laptops, for students and teachers.
Another 132 billion RP would be used toimprove the educational programmes aired on public broadcaster TVRI, whichNadiem said had garnered a positive reception from the public.
Additionally, the ministry would allocate 109 billionRP for the ongoing improvement of digital platforms and channel the remaining74 billion RP into creating learning materials and digital education medium models.
During the meeting, Nadiem also proposed budgets for the ministry’sother priority programmes, namely 27trillion RP for education funding, 5.2 trillion RP to revitalise the country’svocational education, and 4.4 trillion RP for the Kampus Merdeka (FreedomCampus) programme./.