Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sharif CicipSutardjo said Indonesia has potential in its fisheries, especially inthe aquaculture sector, highlighting the need for the country to developnew skills and technologies to be able to lead the market.
According to the minister, the Indonesian Government has planned toproduce 6.08 million tonnes of sea fish, 13.97 million tonnes of farmedfish and 3.3 million tonnes of salted fish.
Last year, thecountry caught 5.81 million tonnes of sea fish while the production offarmed fish reached 9.45 million tonnes.
He added thataquaculture has become the backbone of the fisheries sector in thecontext of climate change and natural disasters.
Thecountry’s shrimp production in 2012 accounted for 36.7 percent or 723.6million USD of total fisheries exports. The shrimp was shipped mainly tothe United States, Japan, China and European countries.
Cicip said that Indonesia had benefited during the global shrimp supplycrisis, which caused the price to soar by up to 50 percent in theinternational market.
According to the Indonesian Chamber ofCommerce and Industry, businessmen and domestic investors often meetdifficulties in obtaining permits for fisheries production.
The Indonesian Government has yet to provide a clear regulation for thebusinessmen involving directly the export of fisheries products or toprocess the products first before exporting them, it said.-VNA