Jakarta (VNA) – Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Works andPublic Housing is planning to turn Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, a formerathlete village in Central Jakarta, into an emergency hospital to treat people infected with COVID-19, according to an official.
Wisma Atlet Kemayoran was used in the 2018 Asian Games, which wasco-hosted by Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra.
Four of its 10 towers will be converted to treat COVID-19patients.
Previously, one tower – which consists of 650 residential unitsthat can house 1,750 people – has been designated as an emergency hospital forhospice care.
Another tower comprising 886 apartments and with a capacity of2,458 people will support the emergency hospital, with the first floorallocated for emergency rooms, the second floor for intensive care units andthe third floor for recovery rooms.
The sixth and seventh towers, each also providing 650residential apartments with a capacity of 1,750 people, will house on-duty healthworkers and the COVID-19 Task Force, respectively.
The ministry said it will complete the conversion in thenext four days and the COVID-19 emergency hospital will start operating onMarch 23.
As of 12:00pm on March 19, Indonesia has reported 309confirmed cases with 25 deaths. Most of the cases, 210 infections and 17deaths, have been founded in Jakarta./.