Indonesian workers ready for national strike

Labour unions in Indonesia have planned a national strike from Oct. 31 – Nov.1 to call for improvements in living and working standards.
Labour unions in Indonesia have planned a national strike from Oct. 31 – Nov.1 to call for improvements in living and working standards.

Workers will participate in the action across the country since earlier talks between the unions and government did not show positive results, said the Confederation of Indonesian Worker’s Union (KSPI).

According to KSPI Chairman Said Iqbal, workers will stage peaceful strikes without any political purposes.

As many as three million workers are expected to participate in the strike in 20 provinces, 150 districts and cities, not to mention hundreds of thousands of workers at 40 industrial zones across Indonesia.

Earlier on October 28, a host of strikes drew the participation of tens of thousands of workers in several localities including the capital city Jakarta.

The workers’ demands include an average increase in wages of 50 percent in 2014; a social protection scheme including medical insurance for all from Jan. 1 next year; and the abolition of employment contracts of 12 months or less.

Indonesia’s national police and armed forces have been deployed to ensure the order and securities at sites where the strikes have been taking place.-VNA

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