The audits were focused on technology,information security, as well as data and information system, among others, Antaranews agency cited Pratama Persadha, former head of the Encryption Agency's teamfor security the KPU's IT security of the 2014 General Elections, as saying.
He said the audit can be carried out by theNational Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN).
Pershada, who is also chairman of theCommunication and Information System Security Research Centre (CISSReC) ofIndonesia, defended the KPU's rejection over the allegation that the KPU had anoverseas server.
Hasyim Asy'ari, a KPU commissioner,remarked that all computer servers are in Indonesia. Hence, the accusation thatthe KPU will count votes through the IT system is untrue.
A manual counting will be done at therespective polling stations and the outcomes maintained in C1 Forms that willthen be collected and counted at the sub-district-, district-, and provincial-levelas well as ultimately on a nationwide scale.
On April 17, around 192 million eligiblevoters across Indonesia will flock to polling booths to cast their votes fortheir representatives at the House of Representatives (DPR), RegionalRepresentatives Council (DPD), as well as provincial and district/citylegislative bodies.
They will also vote for their preferredpair of presidential and vice presidential candidates. Five debates ofcandidates and their running mates were held during Indonesia’s presidentialcampaign.-VNA