Chairing the Government's session onlaw-building on January 29, the PM stressed that resources originate fromthinking, motivation arises from innovation, and the strength emanates from thepeople.
He urged ministries and sectors toconcentrate on the leadership and guidance, especially for those holding leadingroles in building laws and perfecting institutions.
The Government leader underlinedthe necessity to invest human resources and resources to perform the task in away that is commensurate with the strategic breakthrough stature of the work.
Ministries and sectors were requested to improve policy responsecapacity, remove difficulties for socio-economic development, closely coordinatewith the National Assembly’s committees, consult with experts and scientists, andlearn from international experiences and apply them flexibly to suit Vietnameseconditions.
It is necessary to speed up digital transformation ininstitutional building and strengthen communication activities related to law-buildingand policy dissemination, he said.
PM Chinh stressed that attention must be paid to enhancing decentralisationcoupled with allocation of resources, minimising and simplifying administrativeprocedures, and addressing bottlenecks to promote the country's socio-economic development.
The PM emphasised the requirement to fight negative phenomena in law-making to prevent vested interest and policy corruption, issue legal documents, and strictly handle violations.
At the session, cabinet members discussed three draftlaws, namely the Law on amendments and supplements to anumber of articles of the Security Guard, the Law on Human Trafficking Prevention and Control (amended), and the Notaries Law (amended); and two proposals for building theLaw on Enforcement of Civil Judgments (amended) and the Law on Corporate IncomeTax (amended).
In 2024, the Government continues to focus onbuilding and completing the institutions, one of the three strategicbreakthroughs outlined in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress,the PM said.
It willalso conduct a review and amendment to existing legal regulations, aiming toeliminate difficulties, obstacles, and barriers, and to unlock all resourcesfor development; and propose the building of new legal regulations to adapt tothe 4th Industrial Revolution, and promote digital economy, green economy,circular economy, and emerging industries, he added./.