Japan considers compensations for radioactive leak victims

The Japanese government is considering a plan to set up a reciprocal system between local power companies to assist the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in compensating organisations and individuals affected by radioactive leaks at the Fukishima Nuclear Power plant No. 1.
The Japanese government is considering a plan to set up a reciprocal system between local power companies to assist the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in compensating organisations and individuals affected by radioactive leaks at the Fukishima Nuclear Power plant No. 1.

Under the plan, the reciprocal system will be built under the model of compensations for victims of the nuclear problem at the US ’s Three Miles Nuclear Power Plant in 1979.

According to the Japanese government’s draft, TEPCO, the operator of the troubled plant, will have to pay between 2 and 3.8 trillion JPY (24-40 billion USD), with 510-850 billion JPY from the reciprocal system, for the victims.

Nine other power companies will bear a total expense of 1.1-1.8 trillion JPY (13-21 billion USD).

The government will have to spend up to 240 billion JPY (nearly 3 billion USD) on compensations.

On April 14, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko paid their first visit to Asahi, Chiba Prefecture , which was badly hit by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, to console local people./.

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