The aid contract was signed by Hideo Suzuki, charge d’affaires of theJapanese Embassy in Vietnam , and Jeanne Samuel, Country Director atthe US ’s Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI) in Vietnam , in Hanoi onAugust 10.
Under the contract, the funding will begranted to farmers, single women and ethnic people involved in theproject, helping them participate in mushroom growing to improve homeeconomics.
Conducted by HDI in cooperation with Vietnam’s RENEWProject since 2010 through the joint programme called “Mushrooms with aMission”, the project now sees the participation of 100 families in 15communes in Trieu Phong and Cam Lo districts.
It enables UXOsvictims and their families to increase their income through mushroomfarming, significantly contributing to the livelihood of affectedfamilies.
Quang Tri remains one of the most mine-affectedprovinces in Vietnam . According to the reports, more than 100,000people are victims of UXOs and landmines, out of total of 600,000 peoplein the province, and they are facing difficulties in their life.
Speaking at the signing ceremony , Suzuki expressed his beliefthat the project will help improve living standards for the victims inthe province.
It is also expected to strengthen and furtherdeepen the friendship and mutual understanding between Vietnam andJapan , he said.-VNA