The festival includes a series of cultural and artistic events featuring thelocal Bahnar ethnic minority people and other ethnic groups that live in thearea.
The event will be a chance for local enterprises and people to display theiragricultural, cultural and tourism products.
About 80 booths will feature thousands of products including agricultural andforest specialties such as fruits, organic vegetables, traditional food,handicraft furniture and other consumer goods.
Highlights of this year's Kbang Tourism Festival are a promotion campaign fortwo-day tours with the theme Kbang-Diem den du lịch (Kbang — A TourismDestination).
The tours promise to lead visitors to historical relic sites such as Sto village,home to the memorial house of Nup, a hero in the anti-French movement, and TanLap village, a famous place from the resistance wars against the French andAmericans.
Visitors will also be able to book two-day tours to places with beautifulnatural landscapes such as Dak Bok, Kon Lok, Kon Bong and Hang En waterfalls.
A report from the K’bang district People's Committee revealed preparations forthis event were in progress and would soon be completed ahead of the openingceremony on July 26. The district has upgraded the local transportationnetwork, particularly at tourist sites.
The report said that through the festival, the district hopes to boost cooperationin tourism development.
Kbang district, about 100km from Pleiku city, is regarded as a cradle of thetraditional culture of the Central Highlands region. It also played animportant role in the resistance wars against foreign invaders.
The district is also home to many majestic landscapes, dense green forests andpristine waterfalls.
With such vast potential for tourism, Gia Lai province has introduced plans toturn the district into one of its more important tourism hubs.
Dinh Dinh Chi, head of the district’s Culture Division, said the district hasnot yet met its full potential in tourism.
“The strength of Kbang lies is its eco-tourism and historical culture, whichcan include hundreds of spots and nearly 60 beautiful waterfalls," Chisaid. "The district is also famous for practicing the gong culture – atypical feature of the Central Highlands region.
"However, for a long time, the district has been unable to convincetourists to extend their stays. They often come and go in one day."
Chi added, the district had set up a plan to promote tourism by introducingspecific local products and gradually improving the tourism environment.
The cultural official revealed the district was focusing on marketing localproducts such as ruou can (wine stored in a big jar and drunk with long bamboostraws), brocade items, herbal medicines and honey.
“In the long term, Kbang district is calling for large enterprises, to investin developing its tourism potential," Chi said. — VNS/VNAA