Lao drug traffickers arrested in Quang Tri province

The Border Guard High Command of the central province of Quang Tri on June 20 captured three Lao people who were trafficking 4,000 drug pills to Vietnam.
Lao drug traffickers arrested in Quang Tri province ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo:VNA)

Quang Tr​i (VNA) – The Border Guard High Command of the central province of Quang Tri on June 20 captured three Lao people who were trafficking 4,000 drug pills to Vietnam.

The arrestees include Keng, 32 years old, Ho Ta Pung, 34, and Bunkham, 36, all residing in the Lao western province of Savannakhet. They were arrested in Huong Hoa district, about 400 metres from the shared borderline.

The trio confessed that they were illegally crossing the border to transport the drug to Vietnam for sales.

Local border guards are completing legal procedures against the smugglers.

Earlier on June 18, the provincial Border Guard High Command seized two Laos people for transporting 12,000 drug pills to Vietnam.-VNA


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