Lao National Assembly launches newspaper

A ceremony took place in Vientiane on Jan. 18 to launch the new People’s Representative weekly newspaper of the Lao National Assembly.
A ceremony took place in Vientiane on Jan. 18 to launch the new People’s Representative weekly newspaper of the Lao National Assembly.

The eight-page newspaper is due to be published from the third week of January, with content relating to the function, task and power of Laos’ legislative body, together with other issues on State, socio-economic, cultural and scientific management.

On the occasion of the publication of the first issue, Lao National Assembly Chairwoman, Pany Yathotou, on the first page highly valued the cooperation and support of Vietnamese NA People’s Representative newspaper.

She also called for suggestions from readers to help the weekly newspaper improve its quality, meet the demand of readers as well as become a forum for Lao people./.

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