Lao officials welcomed in Hanoi

Le Hong Anh, Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, on Dec. 10 received five Lao Party and State officials who are in Vietnam to get PhD degrees.
Le Hong Anh, Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, on Dec. 10 received five Lao Party and State officials who are in Vietnam to get PhD degrees.

At the reception, Anh spoke highly of research efforts by the Lao officials, saying that their PhD theses deal with important and practical issues in both theory and reality for Laos and Vietnam .

He expressed his belief that the PhD theses will be applied in the process of leading and guiding the implementation of the Resolution of the 9 th Congress of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and the country’s five-year socio-economic development plan for the 2011-2015 period, contributing to making Laos a peaceful, independent, democratic, united and prosperous country.

On behalf of the Lao officials, Bunthoong Chitmany, Politburo member and Head of the LPRP Central Committee’s Commission for Inspection, expressed deep thanks to the leaders of the Vietnamese Party, State and relevant agencies who created favourable conditions for the Lao officials to fulfil their syllabus and successfully defend their PhD theses.

He said he wishes that Vietnam will continue helping Laos in training and developing human resources serving the country’s renewal process, national construction and defence.

The five senior officials of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party were awarded PhD degrees at a ceremony held by the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration on Dec. 10 in Hanoi .

Director of the Academy, Dr. Ta Ngoc Tan congratulated the Lao officials on completing their research programme. He also said the success will help the Academy implement the cooperative programme on training human resources and improving the quality, meeting the demand of Lao revolution./.

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