The Pathet Lao daily on May 6 and 7 praised the Dien Bien PhuVictory 56 years ago as an important factor pushing the French colonistsinto signing the Geneva accord (July 1954).
The victory was a glorious milestone in the fight against the Frenchcolonialism for liberation and freedom in the 20 th century and was themost decisive and strategic campaign, representing Vietnamese people’sstrength in their thousand-year history of national construction anddefence, the articles said.
The victory opened up a new era and serve as a sources ofencouragement to the national liberation movement worldwide, thearticles stated.
Meanwhile, in an article on May 5, the Paxaxon newspaper recalledarduous periods of Vietnamese army and people during the war against theUS imperialists.
The article underlined milestones of the war that led to the finalvictory on April 30, 1975 of the Ho Chi Minh campaign.
The article said the victory that ended Vietnam war and reunified thecountry opened a new era of independence and freedom and marchingforward to socialism./.