Leader urges more action on Party building

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has urged the Party Committee of the bloc of Central Agencies (PCCA) to focus their effort on carrying out the recent resolutions on Party building.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has urged the Party Committee of the bloc of Central Agencies (PCCA) to focus their effort on carrying out the recent resolutions on Party building.

At a meeting on August 18, Dao Ngoc Dung, a member of the Party Central Committee and the PCCA’s Secretary, reported to the Party leader on the PCCA’s implementation of Resolutions of the 11 th National Party Congress and the 4 th meeting of the 11 th Party Central Committee on several urgent issues on Party building.

Representatives of various ministries and agencies confirmed the important role the PCCA plays in realising the new guidelines and policies.

They suggested that the committee strengthen communications and educational work on political ideology and thought, monitor the activities of Party committees at lower levels, increase the supervision of cadres and Party members as well as improving Party building and personnel work.

On addressing the meeting, the Party leader emphasised the important position the PCCA holds, as it manages 65,000 Party members working in central-level agencies, including top level Party officials.

He asked the PCCA to improve the political and ideological education and management of Party members and step up supervision, to improve their morality and lifestyles .

Trong said that the committee should pay special attention to the quality of Party activities, ensuring that they are practical, held regularly and focus on Party work. This will maintain the political stance and thoughts of cadres and Party members, strengthen solidarity and unity within the Party, promote criticism and self-criticism and safeguard against corruption, bribery and power bargaining.

He also urged the PCCA to implement criticism and self-criticism, in line with the resolution made at the 4 th meeting of the 11 th Party Central Committee on Party building, considering it a good chance to strengthen the organisation.

The PCCA must be determined to get involved in criticism and self-criticism while carrying out its functions and tasks, he said, adding that the committee needs to strengthen links with central agencies and localities and reform the leadership style, which will help to bring the Party’s resolution to life.-VNA

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