Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – Through theimplementation of the Hydrogen Economy and Technology Roadmap (HETR), Malaysiawill be well positioned to profit from the global green hydrogen market, whichis forecast to reach 189.19 billion RM (41 billion USD) in 2050.
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said that the market value for Malaysia can reach 3.1 billion USD in2030.
The HETR implementation is expected to generate up to12.1 billion RM in revenue with an estimated contribution of between 49billion RM and 61 billion RM to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030.
Besides, HETR will also be able to provide manysocio-economic benefits to the country by generating up to 45,000 jobopportunities.
Anwar said HETR will support thecountry’s Low Carbon Nation Aspiration 2040 under the National Energy Policy2022-2040, Malaysia is expected to achieve a 0.4%-1.3% reduction ingreenhouse gas emissions by 2030 based on the proposed HETR implementationmodel.
Five strategic thrusts have been outlined to develop ahydrogen ecosystem that is robust and competitive along the value chain inorder to achieve the vision of making Malaysia a hydrogen economy leader by2050.
According to the PM, the capacity-building and hightechnology drive under HETR is aimed at producing hydrogen at a competitivecost for domestic use to achieve the national energy transition target and forexport purposes. A comprehensive ecosystem will be created to stimulateindustry capacity-building through the active involvement of theprivate sector and academicians.
Anwar noted thatPetroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) and Sarawak Energy Bhd have collaborated forthe commercial production of green hydrogen and exploration of its value supplychain in Asia to meet the global demand for clean energy./.