Mass wedding held for couples with disabilities in HCM City

A mass wedding was held on August 12 in Ho Chi Minh City for 41 couples with disabilities.
Mass wedding held for couples with disabilities in HCM City ảnh 1A couple at the wedding (Photo: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) – A mass wedding was held on August 12 in Ho Chi Minh City for 41 couples with disabilities.

The event was organized by the Ho Chi Minh City association of hair and cosmetology as well as donors and artists in the city.

Together with a free wedding party, costumes, make-up and photos, the couples were presented with wedding rings and wheelchairs.

Ta The Dat, Vice President of the association, said the couples have faced many difficulties. Many of them have had children but could not afford a wedding ceremony.

The donors said they were delighted to contribute to making happy memories for the couples.-VNA

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