The Ministry of Health sent a letter early this week to cities and provinces’People’s Committees on strengthening supervision and promoting measures ofCOVID-19 prevention and control in health care establishments.
Heads of People’s Committees were told to instruct relevant agencies to carryout measures of pandemic prevention and infection control amid the increasingnumber of people infected with the disease across the country and the high riskof infection in health care facilities.
Directors of health care establishments should continue to review, consolidateand strictly implement regulations on disease infection prevention and controlmeasures and urgently overcome existing problems when detecting risks anddangers in pandemic prevention, as well as list and follow up all on medicalstaff, patients and cases related to urgent notifications of the Ministry ofHealth.
Patients and medical staff with symptoms and those with an unclearepidemiological history should be given early tests to ensure rapid detectionand timely quarantine.
Directors of medical establishments and heads of relevant units are responsiblefor failures of pandemic prevention.
Previously, the Ministry of Health issued a decision setting up five specialteams to inspect the COVID-19 prevention and control at medical facilities./.