Theprime ministers from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar andThailand affirmed strong commitment of the Mekong River Commissionmembers in continuing cooperation and pushing up sustainabledevelopment, using, protecting and managing Mekong river waterresources and other resources in the river’s lower basin.
PrimeMinister Nguyen Tan Dung said that strengthening and raising theefficiency of bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms in theregion and with non-regional partners is one of four priorities forquick and sustainable development in the sub Mekong region.
Hestressed the need to protect natural resources, particularly waterresources in the Mekong basin, and eco-environment toward the buildingof a green development Mekong.
Apart from taking advantages ofcapital and assistance from international organisations as well asdeveloped partners in East Asia and the world, sub-regional countriesalso need to create favourable conditions on legal corridor andfinancial incentives in order accelerate cooperation projects underpublic-private partnership format, especially for development ofinfrastructure, transport, urban areas, investment and trade, the PMsaid.
The countries also need to join hands to draw outpriorities in each country’s economic development strategy which focuseson hard and soft infrastructure development, transport, human resourcedevelopment, services, telecommunications, and new and renewable energysources, according to PM Dung.
Sub Mekong region is an importantarea in Southeast Asia, a potential destination with investmentopportunities in agricultural, aquatic and forestry production,hydro-power and mining.
The region is emerging as an attractivecentre for developed partners, including major economies in East Asialike Japan and other important partners like the US and Europe./.