Methadone therapy in Vinh Phuc effective

Methadone therapy for drug addicts has proved effective in the northern province of Vinh Phuc, bringing health benefits and curbing HIV infections and drug addiction relapses.
Methadone therapy for drug addicts has proved effective in the northern province of Vinh Phuc, bringing health benefits and curbing HIV infections and drug addiction relapses.

The therapy has been made available to 97.5 percent of local drug users in the first five months of this year, according to the provincial Centre for HIV/AIDS Prevention.

After one month of treatment, 27 percent of the participating addicts gave up heroine, which then increased to 34 percent after two months. A number of patients were also able to find jobs without showing signs of drug dependency.

Statistically, nearly 300 drug abusers in Vinh Phuc have accessed methadone treatment since early this year.

The centre has decided to expand the therapy to Binh Xuyen, Lap Thach and Vinh Tuong districts. Local authorities hope to roll it out to around 800 people in 2015 and fund all health check-ups and tests.

Le Quang Son, Director of the centre, said his agency will work to raise public awareness of the therapy significance, thus encouraging drug addicts to apply for treatment and reintegrate into the community.

Around 2,000 and counting addicted to drugs are believed to reside in Vinh Phuc.-VNA

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