Mexico’s Labour Party chief extends Tet wishes to Vietnamese

Mexico’s Labour Party chief Alberto Anaya Gutierrez extended Tet greetings to the Vietnamese community and attended a get-together marking Vietnam's 12th National Party Congress in Zacatecas state.

Mexico City (VNA) – Mexico’s Labour Party (PT) General Secretary Alberto Anaya Gutierrez visited and extended Lunar New Year (Tet) greetings to the Vietnamese community and attended a get-together marking the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in Zacatecas state on January 23.

He, together with many Mexican parliamentarians and members of the PT Central Committee, was welcomed by Vietnamese doctors working in the state as part of the countries’ cooperation in acupuncture and Vietnamese students from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas.

In his speech, PT General Secretary Gutierrez highly valued Vietnam’s substantial achievements during the three decades of Doi Moi (Reform), especially in poverty alleviation. He also welcomed the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam and wished the event a success.

He hailed Vietnamese professors and doctors’ fruitful collaboration with the Autonomous University of Zacatecas in the acupuncture cooperation project, as well as with many Mexican organisations in health care.

He expressed his hope for the intensified affiliation between the two Parties and nations for the sake of their people.

For the past 15 years since its launch, the cooperation project between Vietnam’s National Hospital of Acupuncture and the Autonomous University of Zacatecas has provided check-ups and treatment for some 200,000 patients.-VNA


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