Minister: media must fight wrongful allegations by hostile forces

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son has urged the media to not only disseminate the Party policies and guidelines but also fight false allegations by hostile forces.
Minister: media must fight wrongful allegations by hostile forces ảnh 1Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son has urged the media to not only disseminate the Party policies and guidelines but also fight false allegations by hostile forces.

In an interview given on the sidelines of the 12th National Party Congress that opened in Hanoi on January 21, Son expressed his concern over opinions on the Internet and in real life that incites national division and undermines the Party leadership, causing public mistrust in the Party.

The press have raised trenchant voices against false allegations and keep the public alert to them, he stated.

When being asked how he felt when attending the opening of the Congress, Son expressed his satisfaction with the 26-page keynote speech delivered by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, detailing national socio-economic and political developments over the past five years.

The speech also hailed past achievements and challenges, as well as devising key tasks for the new tenure from 2016-2020.

The Party leader emphasised the continued realisation of a resolution on Party building set by the 11 th National Party Congress’s fourth plenum, adding that Party building became a recurring theme at the opening ceremony, given that it is an urgent task at present.

He expressed his belief that under the leadership of the 12th Party Central Committee, the remaining tasks set in the resolution will be fulfilled with best efforts, contributing to developing a transparent and strong Party that deserves the public’s trust.

He also believed that after listening to the opening remarks, the entire people nationwide will be more confident in the Party leadership and the future of the country.

Responding to a suggested issuance of more power control mechanisms, Son argued that the Communist Party of Vietnam is constitutionally empowered to run the country under State’s management and the public’s supervision.

The Party is the country leader but also a servant of the people, he noted.

There are a number of mechanisms for the public to exercise their supervision rights, including grassroots democracy, and the State and people’s inspection mechanisms. He hoped that the general public will be fully aware of the Party Platform and guidelines in the foreseeable future.-VNA


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