An agreement to this effect was signed in Hanoi onNovember 5, under which the two sides will seek prompt solutions tohelp the targeted beneficiaries.
It will focus on suchfields as education, training, health care, social welfare,infrastructure and local development through a broad range ofactivities.
As many as 62 poorest districts nationwide willreceive special assistance to get out of poverty in a sustainablemanner, said Pham Van Quang, Chairman of the fund.
Carryingthe message of “back for construction”, the agreement, which will lastuntil 2015, is expected to serve as a bridge linking organisations,businesses and donors both at home and abroad in support of the poor,said Nguyen Duc Huong, Vice President of LienVietPostBank’s ManagementBoard.
Initiated by the two sides in May 2008, a programmecalled “Returning home” has to date spent over 700 billion VND (32,900USD) on charitable activities.
The sum has been used tobuild schools and heath centres, purchase medical equipment, presenthousehold utensils and provide relief aid to poor localities.
Since 2012, the Vietnam Television has aired the “Returning home”programme that gives an insight into the Government’s poverty reductionpolicies and projects on social welfare and poverty reduction.-VNA